Panic attacks are very difficult and distressing for anyone who experiences one, especially as they often mimic something else. People can feel like they're having a heart attack or other medical issue, as the panic causes their breathing to change and they can become light headed or feel as if they will pass out. Usually once someone has experienced one they can more easily identify their symptoms if it happens again, but not always.
What Are Panic Attacks?
Panic attacks are directly linked with feelings of severe anxiety. Sometimes the anxiety begins and the panic attack follows, but sometimes it is the other way around.
In some cases people experience the feeling that they are dying when they are suffering a panic attack. Any little thought will inspire a fear that they are in danger and that their life is at risk. The mind goes on overdrive with panic-stricken thoughts that override reality. In other words, that person is not actually in danger, they simply believe themselves to be. Physical symptoms, such as a quickened heart pace or heavy breathing, shaking and an overall look of fear will tell you when someone is having a panic attack. They might speak with urgency, in some cases be so panicked their speech does not make sense. The important thing to do is help calm them down as best possible. Give them reassurance and talk calmly to help relax them.
In the unfortunate case you suffer a panic attack alone, don’t be afraid to call someone that is close to you. You need to talk about the issues you are having with anxiety in order for people to help you. There are helplines too that give you advice on how to cope and manage panic attacks. They will help calm you down, talking you through certain feelings you might be having, and also give you methods on how to cope and overcome the moment of panic.
What Triggers A Panic Attack?
There are hundreds of different reasons someone suffers from anxiety, or even depression that might bring on panic attacks. They might find themselves in an awkward social situation or they’ve heard someone say something about them, or thought they did. When someone is suffering from anxiety, then big social gatherings will also create anxiety in them. The bigger the crowd, the more anxious people become. This could influence the onset of a panic attack, which will worsen because they’re conscious of everyone watching.
Other moments where social situations can trigger high levels of anxiety are high stakes occasions. For example, a job interview. These situations naturally raise nerves and feelings of tension in most people, but in people with anxiety it can trigger a panic attack. People who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks struggle in life because of this. They find it difficult to function in an ordinary, everyday working and social environment.
You might also start to panic when you experience a stressful occurrence. This could be anything small like missing the bus to work, the car breaking down, being late for your appointment or missing the key ingredient to tonight’s dinner. Any of these minor reasons could start a panic attack given the wrong thought process. However, when something big happens, which is uncontrollable and traumatic then those feelings of fear are inevitable. Anyone who suffers or witnesses an accident, attack or any catastrophic event is likely to suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The emotions and feelings, which consequently follow are strong and erratic because you relive the moment through the shock and trauma of the event. People with PTSD are more than likely to suffer from panic attacks. It is a symptom that shows telltale signs that a person has not gotten over their experience, whether they seemed unfazed at the time or not.
Then there are the substances that bring on panic attacks, most commonly non-prescription drugs. The stronger the drug, the stronger the panic attacks you could suffer from. Everything from coffee to sugar and alcohol, if consumed in high quantities, can trigger panic attacks. However, the more stronger Class A, B and C drugs like marijuana and cocaine are almost always going to influence the onset of anxiety and panic attacks if consumed regularly over time.
What To Do When Suffering A Panic Attack?
Panic attacks might just be a mindset but they also inspire strong feelings of fear, therefore they are a scary experience for anyone to endure. Even though there may be no danger imposed but you feel at danger and this is a risk in itself.
If you find that you are alone, or even with someone, and suffering a panic attack it’s important to stay in control. You might have to ride out a few minutes of panic, which is only described as a nightmare. Those few minutes might seem like hours. However, if you’re looking for quick tips to try and gain control of your thoughts and emotions more easily during a panic attack.
Take a look at this list of 5 ways to take control of your panic attack immediately:
1. Do not fight it — try and sit and relax your thoughts as best as possible
2. Stay where you are — Don’t try and do anything like knock on the neighbors door or take yourself to hospital. Hold the fort and try to calm down. If you feel like a breath of fresh air will help, then take a quiet stroll to try and distract your thoughts.
3. Breathe slowly and deeply — Breathing into a paper bag can lower the levels of oxygen in your blood and reduce feelings of light headedness. Not only does this help control your breathing, but the sound is a relaxing distraction.
4. Remind yourself that it is just a panic attack, that nothing really is the matter and that it will pass. Once you have suffered panic attacks a few times you know what to expect, so you know it will eventually pass.
5. Focus on positive and relaxing thoughts, stimulus, music, the sound of running water, anything you can think of. Just thinking of something other than those negative thoughts of panic are a good distraction.
How Hypnotherapy Works To Overcome Panic Attacks
Hypnotherapy is one of the best ways to help eliminate and cure the onset of panic attacks. It works the same for people suffering from anxiety, as well as depression. However, with panic attacks it is especially beneficial.
Because hypnosis reorganises your thoughts in the right way, it also helps you visualise life differently, especially the moments that can be stressful or make you feel nervous. It helps you redefine those anxiety-inducing moments in a positive way so that when the panic would normally start to kick in you can instead experience feelings of calm and control.
Take a step back and find your solution in hypnotherapy. Our session to help Overcome Panic Attacks works on all the different aspects that trigger and manifest as panic disorder. When you listen to the audio every night before bed you will start to notice those feelings of tension go away. You will wonder what you feared all that time and your panic attacks will be something in the past.
Click here to find out more.