"Hello, My name is Tobias, and I noticed you have a package for helping people reduce their anxiety. I am a trans man and often experience large bouts of anxiety related to social situations. It has worsened over the years, and I now feel a tremendous level of anxiety when going to public places and social gatherings, as people's words and actions can often anger me. Do you think your package will help me with this?"
We replied to Tobias, asking a few questions, as we believed his anxiety might fall into a different category. Our concern was that he might be using alcohol, known colloquially as "Dutch courage," to overcome his social anxiety, numbing himself to potential negative social interactions.
After speaking with Tobias, he agreed that his anxiety might be related to a dependence on alcohol, as he would frequently drink before going out to meet friends or attend work functions.
We also explained that this is a common disorder, and that around 20% of people who suffer from anxiety also suffer from alcohol dependence.

Tobias decided not to change his drinking habits permanently but agreed to modify them for a short period to see if it helped with his anxiety. We sent him our "Control Alcohol Consumption Essentials Package" and asked him to check back with us anytime and specifically after 21 days. This was his response:
"OMG, What a difference! All this time, I believed my anxiety was related to identifying as genderqueer. It seemed like an obvious answer, but it turns out it was just a dependence on alcohol. THANK YOU!
You cannot imagine what this means to me. I have been struggling with anxiety ever since I began my transition. As a child, I did not suffer from the same levels of anxiety, and I believed it was because nobody knew about my dysphoria, and I lacked the language or ability to explain what I was feeling. However, looking back, even with what I was going through, I was still confident. Everything changed when I reached my older teens and started drinking.
I truly cannot thank you enough. You have been understanding, and I appreciate the time you have given me to understand the cause of my anxiety and help me overcome my dependence on alcohol. I am going to recommend your therapy sessions to everyone I meet, as I cannot believe how well they worked for me. Thank you for the new session; it has had a massive effect. I know I said I wouldn't go sober for long periods, but I still haven't drunk for almost a month, and quite honestly, I don't want a drink. If the time comes that I do, I'm sure I'll have the tools to deal with the situation and the days following."
From all of us here at Clear Minds, we would like to take the opportunity to thank Tobias for his lovely review and kind words. It's people like him that inspire us to do what we do.
If you would like to see what happens when you give your body and mind a break from alcohol, you can download the same package (including the new extra audio therapy) from our website. Just click the link below to learn more and get started today. 💜
Learn More about the package Tobias used to eliminate his dependence on alcohol and, at the same time, eliminate his social anxiety.