Navigating Love and Liquor: How Alcohol Impacts Relationships in the UK


How Much Do People Drink in the UK?

Let's take a look at some statistics on how much alcohol people in the UK drink every week:

57% of adults (aged 16+) drink up to 14 units of alcohol per week and 23% drink more than 14 units.

  • 30% of men drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week compared to 15% of women
  • 55 to 64 year olds are the most likely to drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week whereas 16 to 24 year olds are the least likely (31% vs 15%)
  • The proportion of adults drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week has remained stable since 2015

48% of adults (aged 16+) drink alcohol at least once a week.

  • 55% of men drink alcohol at least once a week compared to 41% of women.
  • 8% of men reported drinking alcohol almost every day compared to 5% of women.
  • Those aged between 55 and 74 are the most likely to drink alcohol at least once a week whereas people aged between 16 and 24 are the least likely (58% vs 30%).
  • The proportion of adults who drink alcohol at least once a week has decreased by 4% since 2015.

How Exactly Does Alcohol Effect my Relationship with my Partner? 

It's no surprise that alcohol can have an effect on a relationship, as alcohol alters a persons perceptions and reality. Whether it's issues of intimacy, mistrust, poor communication, emotional unavailability, or financial strain, alcohol abuse can profoundly affect romantic relationships, impacting both partners as well as children and extended family members.

Alcohol dependence, also known as alcohol use disorder, is one of the most prevalent addictions. Beyond damaging an individual's personal life, it can have a substantial negative impact on their relationships, particularly within the realms of intimacy and partnership. Alcoholism is notorious for ruining romantic relationships, leading to marital estrangement, and generating significant family conflict.

Alcohol and Intimacy - Do they Mix?


The impact of alcoholism on relationships is far-reaching, affecting various facets of intimacy and partnership. Heavy drinking can undermine the very foundations of a close relationship, with the initial toll often seen in both emotional and physical intimacy. Key elements of a relationship that may suffer include:

- Trust
- Stability
- Affection
- Expectations
- Commitment
- Shared Values
- Respect

Moreover, alcoholism is frequently associated with codependency and abusive behaviour, both verbal and physical. The decline in relationships, whether marital or otherwise, often originates from frequent arguments, financial difficulties, and even more severe issues like infidelity or domestic violence. Additionally, alcohol can diminish sexual drive, exacerbating existing problems in a strained relationship and potentially leading to divorce or separation.


Did you know? 

Alcohol can mess with your brain, affecting your ability to think clearly and act rationally. This can make some people more irritable or even aggressive. While it might not be the only reason for someone's aggressive behaviour, it's often a contributing factor. Subconscious issues can also come into play, and the type of alcohol consumed can sometimes influence whether someone becomes violent..

How to Stop Alcohol Affecting your Relationship

Alcohol can take a toll on your relationship, but there are ways to keep it from becoming a major issue. If one partner drinks and the other doesn't, the one who drinks needs to acknowledge that their drinking is causing problems. Only then can you both start addressing the issues it's creating. The drinker has to want to make a change, and your support can make a big difference. Understanding the root cause of the drinking can also help strengthen the relationship.

Better Ways to Keep Alcohol from Affecting Your Relationship:

  1. Opt for Alcohol-Free Options: Mocktails can be just as fun and tasty.
  2. Stick to Low-Risk Guidelines: Know your limits and stay within them.
  3. Eat Before You Drink: Having a meal can slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  4. Discuss Issues When Sober: Serious conversations are more productive without the influence of alcohol.
  5. Hydrate with Alternatives: Switch between alcoholic drinks and water or soft drinks to stay hydrated and reduce alcohol intake.
  6. Seek Professional Help: Sometimes it's beneficial to consult a therapist or attend a support group together.

By taking these steps, you're not just helping your partner; you're also investing in the health and happiness of your relationship.



How Hypnotherapy Can Help Stop Alcoholism:

Whether you're looking to make a change for yourself or to improve a relationship with a loved one, tackling alcohol addiction is a significant step. Unlike other addictive substances, alcohol is widely accepted, making it a unique challenge. Hypnotherapy has helped millions globally to change their relationship with alcohol, from installing a mental "stop button" to quitting entirely.

Our hypnosis package is tailored to address various drinking behaviours, including binge drinking, nightly drinking, chronic alcohol consumption, and even antisocial tendencies when drinking.

Designed by experienced hypnotherapists, our self-hypnosis audio therapy downloads aim to 'program' your subconscious mind, empowering you to think, feel, and act like someone in full control.

Here's how hypnotherapy can benefit you:

- Wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day
- Avoid using alcohol as an emotional crutch
- Attend social gatherings without being "the drunk one"
- Be fully present with your loved ones
- Quit alcohol for good
- Take control of your life
- Break the cycle of dependency

    Ready to take control? Transform your relationship with alcohol through our Control Alcohol Consumption Essentials Package. 🌟






    Source: Health Survey for England 2019: Adults' health-related behaviours (Table 10), Health Survey for England 2015: Adult alcohol consumption (Table 2)

    Source: Health Survey for England 2019: Adults' heath-related behaviours (Table 9), Health Survey for England 2015: Adult alcohol consumption (Table 1)


    In this article


    Control Alcohol Consumption Essentials Package Hypnotherapy (12 Sessions)